Authors should be as careful selecting a publisher as we are in selecting manuscripts. Choosing from the myriad “vanity publishers” doing business today will cost the author money because such companies will “publish” for anyone willing to pay their up-front price, and they are recognized and shunned by reputable sellers. They are in fact printers rather than publishers despite what they call themselves and what they promise. On the other hand, reputable publishers tend to be large, well-known brands with strong preferences for popular, established authors, and they are unwilling to pay significant royalties to their authors. Quest Publishing is a boutique publisher that shares a large percentage of sales profits with its partner authors. You will not be asked to foot investment costs for production or marketing (and that’s why we’re careful with our selections). If we select your submission it will be because we believe in your message, and we are confident that our investment in your work will pay off for both of us. The only money that will pass your hands will be royalties you are due from sales. (Note: projects for institutions and organizations may incur production costs.) Here is our simple 7-step process: